
Contains the classes returned as a part of Geo-trigger and Tempo Callback events


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class AppInfo(    val customerApplicationId: String,     val appBuildVersion: String,     val customEventMetaData: Map<String, String>,     val minSdkVersion: String?,     val compileSdkVersion: String?,     val targetSdkVersion: String,     val sdkVersion: String = BuildConfig.SDK_VERSION) : Parcelable

AppInfo captures the details of app running the SDK.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class CrossedFence(    val fenceId: String,     val fenceName: String,     val crossTime: Instant,     val location: LocationDetails) : Comparable<CrossedFence> , Parcelable

A CrossedFence records details when a Fence is crossed. Useful to determine and inspect the list of crossed fences when a Travel Path condition is used.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class DeviceInfo(    val os: String = PointServiceConstants.PLATFORM,     val osVersion: String = Build.VERSION.RELEASE,     val deviceType: String = PointServiceConstants.DEVICE_MODEL) : Parcelable

Device information e.g. model, os, osVersion. Captures device details on which SDK is running.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
class GeoTriggerEvent(    val notificationType: NotificationType,     val appInfo: AppInfo,     val triggerEvents: List<TriggerEvent>,     val installRef: UUID,     val projectId: UUID,     val deviceInfo: DeviceInfo,     val triggerChainId: UUID,     val zoneInfo: NotificationZoneInfo) : Parcelable

An event triggered by GeoTriggering service when a trigger (zone entry or exit) happens. This event is sent from the SDK via onZoneEntryEvent

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enum NotificationType : Enum<NotificationType>

Notification Type of this event.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class NotificationZoneInfo(    val id: UUID,     val name: String,     val customData: Map<String, String>) : Parcelable

This class stores zone details of the zone for which Entry or Exit event is triggered

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class TempoTrackingUpdate(    val triggerChainId: String?,     val eta: Int?,     val etaDirection: String?,     val destination: Destination?) : Parcelable

After TempoService is started, callbacks are received as onTempoTrackingUpdate with TempoTrackingUpdate class it consists of eta, etaDirection calculated by Bluedot for the assigned destination.

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sealed class TriggerEvent : Parcelable